I am pretty new to VBA still and am having trouble getting started on an application that I would like to create so any help would be greatly appreciated. The details of what I would like to accomplish is below.
I am trying to create a foreign exchange calculator in excel using VBA to create all the functions of the application. The website I have found that I believe will work in querying the data is http://www.imf.org/external/data.htm and more specifically, the exchange rate data section. I would like to program the application to allow the user to specify what date range they would like and this is where I need help. Is there anyway to program VBA to allow the user to select specific requirements such as length of time and which exchange rates they would like then pull in the data provided by the IMF website into excel? The purpose of the application is to give the user exchange rates with real time data given a certain currency.
Thank you for your help, again any advice on this will be greatly appreciated.