Hi all,

I am really struggeling with a spreadsheet I'm designing for my company. I have created a three level dependent drop down. Where the second and third is dependent on the first and second (get it?). This means data validation in these cells are formulas. The third level drop down retrieves lists from named ranges (using an indirect substitute formula). As I have to allow for more items to be added these named ranges contain empty cells which I off course want to hide. I have therefore opted to go for an active x combo box solution using a vba from contextures site (http://www.contextures.com/xlDataVal11.html). This is based on named ranges however and in the vba refer to a string and not a formula. Outcome is empty combo boxes. Have very little experience with vba, but I am sure it's possible to modify the code so that it's possible to get the list from a formula instead of a string/range name.

Some info to explain:
- 2nd level data validation formula: =OFFSET(CategoriesStart;MATCH($A$31;CategoriesColumn;0)-1;1;COUNTIF(CategoriesColumn;$A$31);1)
- 3rd level: =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(A33;" ";"_"))
- Vba code is exactly the same as in the link above.

Hope there are some dedicated geniuses out there.
