Sorry for making you work on a moving target.
This will be the last post regarding my issue.
I have highlighted in the sheet in yellow of changes that I require.
• I have insert a engine to work out roster automatically
• Menu sheet – The modify form is a Calender Icon to make a calendar pop up. I need the
code to insert it in date field.
• RecLeave sheet - I have from and to dates to insert in the roster. On the side I have the planner to show the dates
• Overtime - Can we these fields be updated from "OTSummary" sheet? So it continues down and updates the roster.
• CleaningRoster – Employee also have cleaning roster. Normally 2 employees clean but not always.
• OTSummary – I need to record all OT worked. When it’s setup, I like “Overtime” sheet to ref to this sheet.
I really do appreciate your help and time. I have learnt from your postings.