I'm trying to put the finishing touches on a workbook that we're using to track the expiration of items on a three month basis. I feel it's close to finalized, however, one request that was made was to have the discarded items logged for reference.
What I'm trying to accomplish:
-User opens workbook and notices red highlighted cells in column B to signify an item(s) has reached it's three month storing period.
-User selects desired cells and clicks "Notify" to inform supervisors of items that need to be discarded.
-If given the go ahead, user selects the to be discarded cells and clicks "Discard".*What I'd like for the "Discard" button to do:
-Cuts the selected cells (we'll say A2,B2)
-Pastes to next empty row on "Discarded Log"
-Adds the value, not formula, in E1 of "Ball Storage" to column C of "Discarded Log" like a date stamp.
I've tried using the record macro feature though i'm not allowed to select/copy A2:B2,E1. But in any case I would like it to cut/paste whatever the user selects, whether it's A2:A14,B2:B14, paste to next empty row on "Discarded Log", and be date stamped.
Any help is very much appreciated and do please let me know if I can clarify anything.