Hi Dennis,

I understand the difference between radio buttons and check boxes, and I understand what their intended uses are. I'm not interested in using radio buttons for this application. I'm not sure if you looked at my original code, but I've managed to get check boxes mutually exclusive, albeit with a slight problem.

What I want to be able to do is select either 'CheckBox1' or/and 'Checkbox2' (so these 2 options are not mutually exclusive). Then I want to also be able to select either 'Yes', 'No' or 'Unsure' without it unselecting the previous selections (i.e. these 3 options are mutually exclusive of eachother, and are exclusive of the first 2 options).
In easy terms - think of it as:
Q1 - Please tell me about yourself?
- Male.
- Under 30 years old.

Q2 - Do you like chicken?
- Yes.
- No.
- Unsure.

Currently, answering Q1 is fine, but the moment you answer Q2 it erases the responses from Q1. If you answer Q2 first, then answer Q1 - it works fine and we have a mutually exclusive response selection for Q2, and an answer for Q1...