I'm trying to create mutually exclusive check boxes and after some searching, have found a macro that allows me to do so. I've attached a spreadsheet that has the functioning macro in it, however there is 1 small problem. When I select 'Yes' in the attached sheet, it deselects the 'CheckBox1' option. Once I've selected either Yes, No or Unsure, I can go back and select 'CheckBox1' again and this time it will save both options.
What I want to be able to do is select either 'CheckBox1' or/and 'Checkbox2' (so these 2 options are not mutually exclusive). Then I want to also be able to select either 'Yes', 'No' or 'Unsure' without it unselecting the previous selections (i.e. these 3 options are mutually exclusive of eachother, and are exclusive of the first 2 options).
Can anyone help with what I'm sure is a real simple fix to the code I'm using?
Thanks very much
*Edit - server won't let me attach the excel file, so I've attached a screen dump of my example, and code is below: