Sub CheckLowSodium()
' Keyboard Shortcut: Option+Cmd+z
' This program looks through each cell in the Range (AT2:EP200) , and finds
' out if it has the word salt, and if so highlights column M
Dim rngSearch As Range
Dim vList As Variant, vWord As Variant
Dim Found As Range, FirstFound As String
Dim Counter As Long
Set rngSearch = Range("AT2:EP200") 'Search range
vList = Array("Salt") 'One word list
'vList = Array("Salt", "Pepper", "Cumin", "Oregano") 'Example list of search words
For Each vWord In vList 'Loop through each search word in list
Set Found = Nothing
'Find first occurrence of word
Set Found = rngSearch.Find(What:=vWord, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
If Not Found Is Nothing Then 'If a match was found...
FirstFound = Found.Address 'Store address of first occurrence to stop loop
Range("M" & Found.Row).Value = "x" 'Tag column M with x
Counter = Counter + 1 'Count found words
Set Found = rngSearch.FindNext(After:=Found) 'Find next occurrence
Loop Until Found.Address = FirstFound 'Loop until the next found occurrence is the first occurrence
End If
Next vWord ' next word in list
'Display message
MsgBox Counter & " words found and tagged in column M. ", , "Rows Tagged Commplete"
End Sub