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Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

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  1. #1
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    Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)


    I'm wondering if anyone would be able to help me with a macro, it's been bugging me for weeks and manually doing this would take me forever.

    Step 1) Match a name from Column A in AMOStaffList to a name in Column F In MDPData
    Step 2) If a match IS found go to Step 3, if a Match is NOT found go to Step 1 and continue searching.
    Step 3) Check the date on the matched row from Column BW in AMOStaffList to the left 10 characters of the date in Column D in MDPData
    Step 4) If a Match IS found go to Step 5, If a match is NOT found go to step 1 and continue searching.
    Step 5) Using the matched rows change the Value of Column BY and Column BZ in AMOStaffList to the values from Column H and Column I in MDPData

    Note: In this example I have manually filled in the data in Column BY and BZ, normally these cells would be empty. In my main document the AMOStaffList is much larger so is the MDPData file.

    I would much appreciate some help with this.

    Best Regards
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)


    Does it have to be a macro? What you're looking for can be accomplished with a formula solution. Attached is a modified version of your example workbook.
    In 'AMOStaffList' I left the Manually Entered values alone and put the formula in cell CB9 copied over and down:

    The results are identical.
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    Hope that helps,

    Forum Rules: How to use code tags, mark a thread solved, and keep yourself out of trouble

  3. #3
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)


    Thanks for your help that looks wonderful, I had a hard time getting it going but it works really good,
    I have however found two little bugs which I didn't put in my example

    1) If no match is found it should leave it blank not put #N/A
    2) In some of my staff's names they have things like (N3) at the end of their name I need it to ignore them.

    If you see the remodified example the issue should be fairly obvious.

    Thank you ever so much though tigeravatar, you are a genius :D I've given you some rep
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)


    Thank you for the rep

    As for the formula changes requested, give this a try:
    =IFERROR(INDEX(MDPData!H$2:H$20,MATCH(1,INDEX((MDPData!$F$2:$F$20=TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE($A9&" "," ",REPT(" ",99)),99)))*(INT(MDPData!$D$2:$D$20)=$BW9),),0)),"")

    Slightly simplified version:
    =IFERROR(INDEX(MDPData!H$2:H$20,MATCH(1,INDEX((MDPData!$F$2:$F$20=LEFT($A20&" ",FIND(" ",$A20&" ")-1))*(INT(MDPData!$D$2:$D$20)=$BW20),),0)),"")
    Last edited by tigeravatar; 03-21-2012 at 02:29 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

    Thanks yet again tigeravatar,

    It seems to work in the example but not my main sheet...
    All I've changed is:
    MDPData to [Merged.xlsm]Merged
    $20 to $393653 (last row)

    I just spotted another thing, it's not doing an EXACT match (xlWhole)

    I think for my data (the amount I have) a macro might be far superior.

    Thanks again, I need someone else to help so I can give you more rep :P

  6. #6
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)


    Didn't realize it was almost 400,000 rows O.o
    Give this macro a try, let me know how it goes.
    Sub tgr()
        Dim wsAMO As Worksheet
        Dim wsMDP As Worksheet
        Dim rIndex As Long
        Dim DataIndex As Long
        Dim lDate As Long
        Dim rngFound As Range
        Dim strName As String
        Dim strFirst As String
        Dim arrData() As Variant
        Set wsAMO = Sheets("AMOStaffList")
        Set wsMDP = Sheets("MDPData")
        arrData = wsAMO.Range("BY1:BZ" & wsAMO.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row).Value
        For rIndex = 1 To wsAMO.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
            If Trim(wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "A")) <> vbNullString Then
                If Val(wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "BW").Value) > 0 Then
                    strName = Evaluate("=Left(""" & wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "A").Value & " " & """,Find("" "",""" & wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "A").Value & " " & """)-1)")
                    lDate = Int(wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "BW").Value2)
                    Set rngFound = wsMDP.Columns("F").Find(strName, , , xlWhole)
                    If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then
                        strFirst = rngFound.Address
                        Do While Not rngFound Is Nothing
                            If Int(wsMDP.Cells(rngFound.Row, "D").Value2) = lDate Then
                                arrData(rIndex, 1) = wsMDP.Cells(rngFound.Row, "H").Value
                                arrData(rIndex, 2) = wsMDP.Cells(rngFound.Row, "I").Value
                                Exit Do
                            End If
                            Set rngFound = wsMDP.Columns("F").Find(strName, rngFound, xlValues, xlWhole)
                            If rngFound.Address = strFirst Then Exit Do
                        strFirst = vbNullString
                        Set rngFound = Nothing
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next rIndex
        Range("BY1:BZ1").Resize(UBound(arrData, 1)).Value = arrData
    End Sub

  7. #7
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

    Hey tigeravatar,

    You're are truly awesome, It works really good and is actually pretty fast, way faster than how long it would take me xD

    There unfortunately is one bug left and that is if they have a two worded name with a space (Example: "George Leon") it doesn't match their name and doesn't find them thus resulting in no data being pulled/imported.

    Thanks for your help so far, I look forward to your response.

    - Hyflex

  8. #8
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)


    In the example where you needed to cut off the non-name stuff, it had paretheses () around the non-name stuff, e.g. Larry (N3)
    Is that always the case?

  9. #9
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

    Hey tigeravatar

    Some names could look like:
    1) Larry (N3)
    2) Larry
    3) Larry Smith
    4) Larry Smith (N3)
    5) Larry John Smith
    5) Larry John Smith (N3)

    Potentially even more parts to their name: Larry John Martin Cole Smith (N3)

    I've attached an example where:

    1) Mark Coulhen shouldn't have any data but he's getting some from "Mark"
    2) Mark Denbo should have 11.24 & 8.27 but he's getting data from "Mark"

    I hope this makes sense, thank you for your patience (I added some more rep to you hehe)

    Thanks so much

    - Hyflex
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  10. #10
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

    Update the strName = Evaluate line to the following, and it should work for you:
    strName = Evaluate("=Trim(Left(""" & wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "A").Value & "(" & """,Find(""("",""" & wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "A").Value & "(" & """)-1))")

    The logic being used is that you always only want to cut off the (xxx) after a name (if it exists). So it finds the first "(" and removes it and everything after it. This will allow people with multiple names, like Mark Coulhen, to find their own rows instead of just Mark's row.

  11. #11
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

    Thank you so so so so much tigeravatar,

    You've saved me many many man hours of typing in numbers, I have however found I think the last error for some reason some of our staff have apostrophises in their names and it's not finding a match, is it possible to ignore apostrophises?

    So: "Jennifer' Smith" = "Jennifer Smith"
    We have one(two) member(s) of staff, Husband and Wife under the same stats: "Joe 'n' Debby Jones" <-- I changed their surname for confidentiality.

    If it is too hard to do then I'll just remove them all but I would really like to keep them.

    Thanks once again, you've made my day

    - Hyflex

  12. #12
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

    Adding the Replace method can get rid of apostrophes:
    strName = Replace(Evaluate("=Trim(Left(""" & wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "A").Value & "(" & """,Find(""("",""" & wsAMO.Cells(rIndex, "A").Value & "(" & """)-1))"), "'", "")
    Last edited by tigeravatar; 03-22-2012 at 02:48 PM.

  13. #13
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

    Hey, sorry for the late reply.

    It works perfectly, thank you very very much tigeravatar. You're a star

  14. #14
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: Match staff name and date then import data from matched row (Example attached)

    You're very welcome

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