Dear Sir
I have an excel file (in the attachmenT) that contains many numbers of sheets which contains a lot of data. I want to make sure that there is no data duplication across sheets.
Dear Sir
I have an excel file (in the attachmenT) that contains many numbers of sheets which contains a lot of data. I want to make sure that there is no data duplication across sheets.
Hello hero96559,
You need to be more specific about what data you want to check. You did not include any examples in either your post or the attached workbook.
Leith Ross
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Dear Sir,
The attached workbook contains many sheets and every sheet contains serial numbers. I want to make sure that there is no duplicate serials across the sheets.. For example:
In Hall 1 column F7 there is a serial 3CQ033B3RR. I want to make sure that these serial isn't duplicated in other sheets.
evrysheet having duplicates
Ok. In other words if i Have a number like 25486 inside sheet 1. And suppose that i write the same number again inside sheet 2. In this moments i need the program to alert me that there is another number with the same value in sheet 1. Thats all
Hello hero96559,
Do you want to validate entries in a specific column or columns across all sheets?
Checking all sheets anytime any cell is changed will slow your data entry down.
I assume headers would not be included in the validation, correct?
Yes, Header would not be included
Hello hero96559,
Are you only interested in being notified if the serial number is duplicated?
Is there only one sheet used for input?
Yes, I need to be notified. And all the sheets used for input data
Hello hero96559,
The solution I am working on is creating a "Master List" worksheet of serial numbers. Whenever an entry is made in any cell then it can be checked quickly for duplication. So, this process is going to take awhile to complete. It may be a few hours before I finish.
Many thanks for your interest.
Hello hero96559,
The attached workbook validates any input in any cell against the "Serial Number" list in the "Master List" worksheet. There is an issue I need to workout. Serial numbers with a leading zero have to be input as a text value or the leading zero will not be retained. Since all the data in the "Serial Number" list is text. The other issue is how to update the "Master List". Perhaps you have some ideas about that. Otherwise, it works well.
Here is the macro to look up the serial numbers.
Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) Dim Match As Range Dim Rng As Range Dim RngEnd As Range Dim SN As Variant If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.EnableEvents = False With Worksheets("Master List") Set Rng = .Range("A2") Set RngEnd = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp) Set Rng = .Range(Rng, RngEnd) For Each SN In Rng.Value If SN = Target.Text Then MsgBox "The Serial Number '" & Target.Text & "' has already been Entered.", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation Exit For End If Next SN End With Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub
FYI,I suppose to use all cell formating as text nothing else.
Sir, I still enter data with same value and no alarm
Hello hero96559,
Everything is working fine with no problems or not?
it isn't working sir
Hi hero96559 2 questions
1. I am assuming that you need to validate only serial numbers for duplication not other entries?
2. There is log sheets like "Faulty log CUTE" where I guess its desirable to have duplicate values (serial numbers present in other sheets) pl. clarify?
Dear Leith
You can
Last edited by hero96559; 03-28-2012 at 08:41 AM.
Dear Leith
You can exclude all sheets started by (fault log...). i am in no need to check duplication inside them.
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