You can do this with a little bit of VB code...
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Const sINPUT_RANGE = "A1:C1"
Dim rngCellLoop As Range
Dim vTmpValue As Variant
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not Intersect(Range(sINPUT_RANGE), Target) Is Nothing Then
For Each rngCellLoop In Intersect(Range(sINPUT_RANGE), Target).Cells
vTmpValue = Val(rngCellLoop)
If Not IsError(vTmpValue) Then
With rngCellLoop.Offset(lTOTAL_ROW_OFFSET)
.Value = .Value + vTmpValue
End With
rngCellLoop.Value = ""
End If
Next rngCellLoop
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
To insert this:
1. It's easiest if you only have open the workbook you want to apply this code to.
2. Press Alt-F11 to open the Visual Basic editor
3. Towards the top left of the screen will be a list of sheets in your workbook. Double click on the sheet you want to do your input in.
4. In the drop-down list at the top left of the main window select "Worksheet"
5. In the drop-down list at the top right of the main window select "Change"
6. The 1st and last lines of my code will appear automatically - paste the rest of the code in between them.
7. Close down the VB window
You'll have to save your workbook in either .xlsm format or .xls format - Excel will no longer allow you to save it as a .xlsx because it contains macros.
By changing the line that sets the range of cells you're using for input you can meet your requirements. For example, to use cells B1:AZ1 as the input cells change the 2nd line of code to:
Const sINPUT_RANGE = "B1:AZ1"
Hope this helps.