I have around 3000 customer records.
Each records contains fields such as " customer name, user name, email ID, phone number & comments". See the screen shot:
03-03-2012 12-19-35.jpg
1. I want to export each record to a seperate text file with user id being the name of the file.
2. The content of the Text file should be like below :
Customer name : Andrew Adamson
user Id : adam_123
Email ID : adam_123@233.com
Phone : 34534534
URL : http://www.google.com
Comments : Comments1
The file name should be "adam_123.txt"
3. Each file should then be again compresed to a seperate password protected ZIP file
The file name should be "adam_123.ZIP"
password that need to beset should be prompted/ user input.
Kindly let me know if this can be acheived in excel.. & if you require any more information..
Thanks in Advance.