Ok I have implemented the code below, and it work sort off.
First I use this code to delete the current sheets:
' deletes sheets in the active workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Sheets(Array("Issues", "Participants", "ProjectInfo", "Drawings")).Delete
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Then I use this code to import the sheets from a previous version:
' Copy new sheets
FName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="All files (*.*), *.*", Title:="Please open the 1st workbook")
If FName = "False" Then
MsgBox "You have not selected a file."
Exit Sub
Workbooks.Open Filename:=FName
FName = ActiveWorkbook.NAME
End If
Workbooks(FName).Sheets(Array("Issues", "Drawings", "ProjectInfo", "Participants")).Copy Before:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2)
End Sub
My problem is however, non of my VLookup formulas work after importing, it does not recognise the new imported sheets, although it have the same name. Is there somewhere something I need to update or refresh?