I have a workbook with ten (10) columns. The first nine (9) columns (A through I) are auto-updated from another source using a macro. These nine (9) columns display project/task related information. This data is assigned a number that can be seen in the "Task Unique ID" column (B) and displayed in a row. The last column (J) is "date completed" which is manually input by project managers.
Each time the worksheet is auto-updated, the project/task information may change row number depending if data has been added or deleted. So, my problem is how to keep the manual input column (J) "date completed" associated with the specific task unique ID column (B).
I tried to use the macro to copy the information from one sheet (On Time Delivery) to another (Vlookup) as a place holder and then copy it back based on the "Task Unique ID" number. I am having trouble with identifying what would be the simplilest way to accomplish this task and what programing steps to take. Any help is greatly appriciated.