I'm all new to Excel programming, so my knowledge is limited to using sum functions and stuff like that. But I'm a C++/C# programmer so I should be able to pick up pretty fast if someone can lead me in the right direction. I believe my problem is pretty simple to experts like you.

I'm trying to do a scoreboard where a given amount of players are given points based on either time or number of rounds.


First off, I would like to be able to sort each column ascending, so if I need to sort "Round 1" it would give me the fastest player at top and so forth. That's supposed to be possible with any column.

The rounds that are based on time is minutes:seconds:miliseconds (Format is not important so if another format would make it easier that's totally possible)

Next, the point system.
For each round, points should be given so that the fastest (or the one with most rounds) is given 1 point, the next 2 and so forth. The only catch is: if two players have the same time or the same number of rounds, they should each be given the same amount of points, and then the next point would be skipped. (So if if number 1 and 2 have the same time, they each get 1 point and number three gets three points. See image for examples).

Can anyone tell me which method is the best to achieve this? As I said, I'm all new so I really havn't got an idea of where to begin.

Thank you!