I used this forum alot to solve my problems but for this one I cant find the solution.
I have a VBA code to change colors in my sheet and in the footer (when it works also the header)
The code works fine but the result gives me and extra " before the text in the footer
This is just a little part of the whole VBA Code.
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter = _
"&""Times New Roman,Standaard""&K00B0F0&12""Test&""-,Regular""&11&K000000" & Chr(10) & "&""Times New Roman,Cursief""&UTest2"
The result should become
Test( in blue)
Test2( in black underlined)
But the result nu is:
"Test( in blue)
Test2( in black underlined)
Can someone please help me on how to remove the " before Test
Thanks in advance.
PS I also test it in Excel 2010 the same thing happens