OK, sorry for delay in replying and ignore the PM I sent cos it doesn't cover everything. In order to run this in an older version of excel I had to add .value to the end of all your range statements. However, the main issue is that your macro's have no way to reference which batsman / bowler is in play.
To fix this, I've added macro's to all the selection dots next to the batsman / bowler names which write the row value to cells C37 and M37 (displayed in white text so you can't see it).
Then I've replaced your 1 run macro with:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Batsman, Bowler As Integer
Batsman = Range("C37").Value
Bowler = Range("M37").Value
Range("j" & Batsman).Value = Range("j" & Batsman).Value + 1
Range("k" & Batsman).Value = Range("k" & Batsman).Value + 1
Range("o" & Bowler).Value = Range("o" & Bowler).Value + 1
Range("p" & Bowler).Value = Range("p" & Bowler).Value + 0.1
End Sub
As you can see, you don't need the "mycount" variable, you can just reference the cells you want to change without using a variable. The cell that gets updated depends on what value is found in the cells C37 and M37. I'll leave the rest of the editing to you as you've got a lot of buttons on that thar spreadsheet.
Tot siens.