Hello everybody
First, I would like to thank some people on this forum for their posts. Even I (and I don’t usually use excel that much) manage to solve some problems by myself (print button, save as button, locking and unlocking cell’s... etc). But now I’m stuck and I really need your help. I’m working on some document for my company (complains report), and I’m trying to automate the whole procedure.
Here is the problem: I have a workbook with two sheets. Sheet1 is a document where the user can type in the various data in unlocked cell’s, everything else is locked. After data input I’ve planned for user to have three buttons 1. Print button (PRINTAJ) – this button prints active worksheet (sheet1), and it works 2. Save as button (SPREMI ) – this button saves sheet1 to a specific folder (for now it is desktop) generating the name from two specific cell values, and it also works 3. Transfer data button (PREBACI PODATKE) – this button doesn’t work at all, and here I need your help.
1. After inserting all necessary data in sheet1 user should click first on PRINTAJ, and print the document - working
2. After they should click SPREMI, or save as button and save this file – working
3. Third click is on PREBACI PODATKE, or data transfer button. With this click users should transfer specific (not all) unlocked fields from sheet1 into sheet2 and inform the user with a message that the “data was successfully copied”. After clicking OK on the message sheet1 should be empty and ready for user to type in new data in cell’s.
4. Here is how the cell’s should be copied:
Sheet1 Sheet2
G7:I7 A4
H4 B4
I4 C4
J4 D4
F10:I10 E4
E13:I13 F4
E28:I28 G4
F36 H4
H36:I36 I4
G44 J4
E47:I47 K4
When the procedure is repeated, next data from sheet1 should be copied in next free row (sheet2 from A5 to K5)... and so on, you get the point
In my Macro1 I've tried with just three fields (H4, I4, J4)... any help would be greatly appretiated.
Thank you in advance