In probaMakro1 you have not marged cells so you can simpy copy and PastSpecial with transpose data, but in your main workbook "TEST.xls" you had few marged cells (i.e. F10:I10, E13:I13, E28:I28) so copy and pasteSpecial with transpose will return error because source date have other structure then destination range.
I update your file TEST.xls with my idea - I hope You will enjoy it.
'this have to be before any procedure - so mainly above the whole code
Option Base 1
'and here is procedure for copy data
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Set sSH = Sheets("Sheet1") 'set source sheet
Set oSH = Sheets("Sheet2") 'set output sheet
CellsToCopy = Array("g7", "h4", "i4", "j4", "f10", "e13", "e28", "f36", "h36", "g44", "e47")
firstRow = oSH.Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1
'copy all necessary data
For i = 1 To UBound(CellsToCopy)
oSH.Cells(firstRow, i).Value = sSH.Range(CellsToCopy(i)).Value
Next i
MsgBox "data was successfully copied"
End Sub
in attached file I update working example - I hope it is what you need