It's weird. I've had written an invoice application in excel ( using macro and VBA ) about 8 years ago. So far, it was great. ( I didn't have to improve anything in 8 yeras !! ) ... but... recently I've done format on my computer ( it wasn't first time of coure ) but after that i found problems in my app.

I have button on whick i click and i'm getting today's date.

This is function :

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Calendar1.Visible = False
i1 = 1
End Sub

Everytime i click on it, i get a message "Run-time error '424' Object required." Ale tthe line " Calendar1.Today" is seleceted. No idea what to do. Tried to reinstall Office ( i'm using 2007 ).

I want to emphasize that for 8 years everything worked fine, and nothing in the code has changed. Error jumped out just like that.

Please help me.