can anyone tell me how I can fill out the cells of a column with a formula (please bear with me if I make any mistakes, English is not my native language. Thanks)
I have a table with thousands of data sets. The last 3 columns X Y Z are filled with formulas.
The problem is that every recalculation requires a few seconds. So, my idea was to write the formula only in the first row in the respective colums and fill every single cell by VBA one by one. The formula in the respective previous cell should be converted into value. I'm not sure but I think the less formula there are in the Sheet the faster it works.
After that the second, and finally the last column should be filled like this.
Is there any solucion for my problem?
I thought to do it with For...Next but I didn't manage it.
By the way, I am not really new in VBA and I find my way in the Editor and I am familiar with the syntax. But I can't write my own code yet.
Many thanks for your help