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Exporting selected values into a new CSV file

  1. #1
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    Exporting selected values into a new CSV file

    I have a requirement where i need to copy selected values from a excel sheet into a new CSV file. Can anyone advice me on how to proceed? I have attached a sample excel sheet with my requirement.

    The user will be selecting D1..D6 and then B8..F9 and then clicking on the export2csv button. The result of this export is shown below in the excel sheet.

    Can anyone please advise on how to go about doing this?

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  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Exporting selected values into a new CSV file


    See attached.

    The relevant macro is

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    Change the 'MyFileName' text as appropriate
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    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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  3. #3
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    Re: Exporting selected values into a new CSV file

    Perfect thanks Richard.

  4. #4
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    Re: Exporting selected values into a new CSV file

    The way the user works is he selects columns from D1 to D6 and then he selects rows from B8 onwards based on how many ever rows have data (this data will be in the range B8 & can go on ...). Once the selection is made he would execute the macro and the results should be in the format that i have in the Results portion of Sheet-1. Can you help refine your code to suit this requirement.

  5. #5
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    Re: Exporting selected values into a new CSV file

    I could get part of my requirement to work but not the whole things. Instructions to execute the macro which will lead to my question
    a) When u open the sheet you will find a "Export 2 CSV" button and some data filled in.
    b) When you execute the macro you will see the values getting populated from B18 onwards (based on how many ever rows are there) to a new workbook starting from G1 onwards.

    This is working as desired.

    The macro should also do the following ...
    a) Copy the values in the column (D11 to D16) and get inserted from A1 to F1 for each row coming up in Step #b above.

    Also attaching a screen shot of what the final result set should look like
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  6. #6
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    Re: Exporting selected values into a new CSV file

    I could get this to work as per my requirements. Pasting the solution for future reference
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