Somehow managed to sort this myself.
Posting the code, should it be of interest to anyone.
Cheers, n
Sub VBA_short()
Dim D1, D2 As Date***
Dim tempoimpiegato As String*
D1 = Time**
*** Dim myarray As Variant
*** Dim myarraysev(1000000#) As Variant
*** Dim bigArray(1000000#) As Variant
*** Dim sum As Double
*** Dim smallarray(1 To 50000, 2) As Variant
*** Dim x As Long, j As Long, n As Long, i As Long
*** myarray = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:cv20000").Value
*** ****For x = 1 To 20000
******* For j = 1 To 50
sum = 0
*********** *********** For n = 1 To myarray(x, j)
*********** *********** myarraysev(n) = Application.WorksheetFunction.LogInv(Rnd(), 6.2146, 1.3204)
*********** *********** sum = myarraysev(n) + sum
*********** *********** Next n
*********** i = i + 1
********** bigArray(i) = sum
******* Next j
*** Next x
For col = 1 To 25
smallcounter = 1
For i = 1 + ((col - 1) * 50000) To col * 50000
smallarray(smallcounter, 0) = i
smallarray(smallcounter, 1) = bigArray(i)
smallcounter = smallcounter + 1
Next i
Range("hhhh").Resize(50000, 2).Offset(0, (col - 1) * 3).Value = smallarray
Next col
D2 = Time
tempoimpiegato = Format(D2 - D1, "hh:mm:ss")
MsgBox "Tempo impiegato: " & tempoimpiegato**
End Sub