If it's an ActiveX combo box you've embedded on your sheet then you'll need to use the change event for the object. Something like this, perhaps:
Private Sub TOL_Change()
Const sTARGET_SHEET = "Supply Calc"
Const sTARGET_CELL = "B1"
Const lSEARCH_COL = 1
Const lOFFSET = 1
Dim rngMatchValue As Range
Set rngMatchValue = Sheets(sDATA_SHEET).Columns(lSEARCH_COL).Find(TOL.Value, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=True)
If Not rngMatchValue Is Nothing Then
Sheets(sTARGET_SHEET).Range(sTARGET_CELL).Value = rngMatchValue.Offset(0, lOFFSET).Value
End If
End Sub