I currently work with a worksheet that is evolving over time. I use it to quote customers based on house plans. There are a lot of plans involved so i have one workbook that has many worksheets for each house plan material list with pricing. Also i have other workbooks one for each plan that has sheets for each upgrade option builder offers. So by saying that, when i do have a change i want to make to the template i have a lot of copying and pasting to do. Right now i copy the template to a new book and copy and paste the old data into the updated copied template then rename the tabs to reflect what it is. This has become very very cumbersome due all of the data i have collected and continue to collect each day.
I was wondering if i could create some sort of macro to open a workbook, copy specific columns in a range ( a2:a70 and c2:c70 ) for example and possibly a couple of individual cells, open my template, and copy it into the book i am copying the columns from and rename each tab the same name with a 1 or something behind it to distinguish between the old sheet and the new updated sheet with the data copied into it.
Is this impossible? I haven't found so far that excel that a lot of things in excel are impossible so any help would be great.
If i need to send in a copy of the sheets i am talking about i will.
Thanks again.