Hello Excel Data Masters of the Universe!

I am a high school counselor and we are setting up this program called Family Connections. I am trying to add the SAT scores into the student acccounts and you do that by uploading the Comma Delimited CSV file with the student ID number and their scores assigned to that ID.

So I have two data files
1. College Board sent us a data file that does not contain the student ID number for the school system. I do, however, have the following to work with:
These are the column titles
C: Last Name
D: First Name Both C and D are all caps
G: Date of Birth listed in the following format XXXXX and XXXXX and I think it's no zeros and the M, DD or D and YY so some of the students have 5 numbers and some have six depending on the length of the dob without the zeros.

2. Our student data file from the school information system.
B: Student ID
H: Last Name
F: First Name both H and F in all caps
K: Birthdate written out like this format x/xx/xxxx or x/x/xxxx or xx/xx/xxxx or xx/x/xxxx ( in other words, no zeros to indicate a two digit number for all rows)

How can I get the two data files to match and merge? I want the ID number column to merge with the College Board data file using the date of birth and last name match, I guess is what I want to do.

Is there a way to have it alert me if there are double matches? I doubt that would happen but it could.

Am I in the wrong forum and I need to ask the same thing in an Microsoft Access forum?

Thanks for solving this puzzle and providing me with a macro or whatever I need to help me get this job done.