I have a list of Product Names that I use in pick lists (DATA>VALIDATION>LIST).
Sometimes the company will change the Product Name.
I would like to have every cell that has that Product Name selected to automatically change to the new value.
Cell B22 is Validated List>Product Names
A cell has selected "Lemon Bar" (and displays "Lemon Bar").
The company changes it to "Lemon Mousse Bar". I would like cell B22 to automatically change to the new name.
The only thing I can think of is to have the Worksheet_Change() event use Lookup to find the Product Code and store it in a separate cell (Q22) then in another cell (R22) have a Lookup find the Product Name. Then when the Product Name is changed in the list at least cell R22 would be accurate. I could manually go back and re-select the product in B22 at a later time so that it matches R22. Seems like there should be someway to do it without using VBA, and not have to duplicate the Product Name.