Hello Guys..I am new to this forum and have seen a lot of VBA questions answered here. I would like an answer to one of my own issues.
I have attached a sample excel sheet with certain formulas for specific columns.
Following is my basic requirement : I want to copy a specific range, instead of complete row and paste it into another sheet if a condition is met in column.
In this forum I only found examples of copying a row and pasting into another sheet.
For example, in the workbook provided, "JAN-12" sheet has the data with formula in H column.
"DELIVERY" sheet has corresponding columns with last 2 columns having formula in them.
When I use the
it will copy the entire row and paste entrie row too as per paste code
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesAndNumberFormats
But this will remove any formulas that I have set in the last 2 columns and also paste "Rejection details" columns from Jan-12 sheet to Delivery sheet.
Kindly help with a macro code that will copy only the first 10 columns to another sheets for the corresponding cell in which criteria is met.
*criteria : If "Status" column has "C" then data from first 10 columns in that row should be copied to "Delivery" sheet.
Hope this makes sense...open to any queries.