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Importing a text file, and converting specific columns

  1. #1
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    Importing a text file, and converting specific columns

    Right chaps.

    i've tried a few methods, but nothing that works right yet.

    i need to import a text file into a spreadsheet that already contains the header row.

    the spreadsheet has 50 columns, semi colon seperated.

    columns 1-10 need to be text,11-20 as number /general, and everything afterwards as text again.

    let's see your magic, guys

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Importing a text file, and converting specific columns

    When I've done this, I've used the "import external data" command. After specifying the text file, it will bring up the text import wizard. As you work through the wizard, you'll have the opportunity to specify the semicolon as your delimiter, and be able to specify how it should treat each column. It will then import the file using those specifications.

  3. #3
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    Re: Importing a text file, and converting specific columns

    This is the programming forum, I don't think he needs to be walked through manually importing it, I think he wants it in vba?

    This should be the formatting part

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    Last edited by scantron; 01-20-2012 at 01:50 PM.

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