Here is a subset of the data.
There are four tabs of data and a summary tab.
Each tab represents one day of data, in one direction (Northbound or Southbound) and this subset is only weekend data.
I have 4 weeks of data at 3 locations.
There are a number of hidden rows and columns. The data is collected in 5 minute intervals and the non-hidden area consolidates that into 15 minute intervals. And then, from that, certain hourly data is being extracted, in addition to min and max numbers within the four fifteen minute intervals that make up the hour.
I am going to look into trying to use your example
=INDEX(Sheet2!$G:$G, MATCH(MAX(Sheet2!$B:$B), Sheet2!$B:$B, 0))
in place of my UDF MaxAtOffset but I do not think I can eliminate my other UDF's.
I hope you can offer some solution as my only other alternative seems to be to combine all data to a single sheet and then work everything there.
I was able to use the Index, Match and MAX functions and also to use Array Functions to eliminate the need for all of my custom functions.
The new max function is : =MAX(IF(ISNUMBER(L51:M54),L51:M54)) (with Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make it an array function)
The new min function is: =MIN(IF(ISNUMBER(L50:M53),IF(L50:M53<>0,L50:M53))) also as an array function.
Finally, and I do this freely and sheepishly - my summary formulas were pointing at the wrong columns. I forgot that they were copied from a tab that had two extra columns in its hidden columns.