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Limit data entry with Data valitadtion based on date

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    Limit data entry with Data valitadtion based on date

    I thought that I had the answer to this earlier from one of the forum contributers and I closed out the question, but of course the user has changed the requirements, and I can't get the code to change to what I need now.

    I need to have datavalidation apply to a range of cells (J9:j139) where it checks to see if the previous cell in the range holds an "F" or an "H" then limit the entry accordingly based on the date field for that row:
    • The use of the "H" value can only be used once per day, and no other "H" or "F" values can be added for that date
    • The use of "F" can have multiple rows for the same date
    I also need to be able to count unique "F" days and "H" days The "H" days are easy [=COUNTIF(J11:K139,"H")] once I have the data validation properly set, but the "F" days are stumping me.
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    Last edited by Phraedrique; 01-24-2012 at 06:35 PM. Reason: Spelling / typo corrections.

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