Hi, I'm VERY new to VBA. I'm not really trained at all, I kind of figure things out as I go. My apologies to those of you who have invested in education. I have a spreadsheet I'm building for work to keep track of our scrap costs. I've designed it to have our entire inventory exported to excel, in the format of PART #, DESCRIPTION, UNIT OF MEASURE, AND UNIT COST. The combo boxes ensure that someone can begin typing a part #, with the autocomplete ability, and they limit the user to existing part #'s. I would not be opposed to a moving combo box, instead of the multiple I have already integrated. The other problem is I need to be able to sort the data on the spreadsheet by many of the columns. This is also a problem I'm having, since the combo boxes don't sort with the rest of the sheet. My web admin has uploading blocked apparently, I will upload a copy as soon as possible.