Dear friends,

I am trying to create a master excel file (Excel 2010) for my school's assessment processes. I have created one Excel file, where each subject has their students list in different sheets, each list (in each sheet) is linked to a Master List (the first sheet in the file) which contains the names of all the students in the school. I did this to help the teachers avoid repeatedly typing the students names.

I need your kind help with the following:

If I insert a new student's name in the Master List, the sheets in each of the subject areas should automatically add that student and in that particular row.
I used the following formula which does not work if I insert a new row:

C3=IF(Master List!C3="","",Master List!C3)

I would really appreciate your kind help with this. I guess I would need to use a Macro of which I have no knowledge at all. Please help.

With thanks,
Alex Oram