Hi guys,
I managed to build a macro to send out emails using the following guide - http://spreadsheetpage.com/index.php...ail_from_excel
However I've received feedback that the same recipient would like to receive 1 email for the data that belongs to him. This differs from the current emails, where 1 line in excel generates 1 email.
Is there anyway to combine the data for the emails, based on the email address, before sending it out?
Thanks and apologies in advance if this has been addressed before, I've tried looking in the past threads already.
Sub SendEMail()
Dim Email As String, Subj As String
Dim Msg As String, URL As String
Dim r As Integer, x As Double
For r = 2 To 4 'data in rows 2-4
' Get the email address
Email = Cells(r, 2)
' Message subject
Subj = "Your Annual Bonus"
' Compose the message
Msg = ""
Msg = Msg & "Dear " & Cells(r, 1) & "," & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Msg = Msg & "I am pleased to inform you that your annual bonus is "
Msg = Msg & Cells(r, 3).Text & "." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
Msg = Msg & "William Rose" & vbCrLf
Msg = Msg & "President"
' Replace spaces with %20 (hex)
Subj = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Subj, " ", "%20")
Msg = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Msg, " ", "%20")
' Replace carriage returns with %0D%0A (hex)
Msg = Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute(Msg, vbCrLf, "%0D%0A") ' Create the URL
URL = "mailto:" & Email & "?subject=" & Subj & "&body=" & Msg
' Execute the URL (start the email client)
ShellExecute 0&, vbNullString, URL, vbNullString, vbNullString, vbNormalFocus
' Wait two seconds before sending keystrokes
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:02"))
Application.SendKeys "%s"
Next r
End Sub