Hi Everyone,
Woo hoo - my first post. I must say this site is quite helpful. I normally search around to get answers to my (many many) questions. This one is different though - I have been unable to find what I'm looking for, (thus my post).
I am dynamically creating Check Boxes - with the following code:
For Each cell In Range(RangeToDo)
With ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Add(cell.Left, _
cell.Top, cell.Width, cell.Height)
.LinkedCell = cell.Offset(100, 0).Address(External:=True)
'.Interior.ColorIndex = 12 'or xlNone or xlAutomatic
.Caption = "Select Team"
.Border.Weight = xlThin
' = 7809328
.Interior.Color = 7809328
'.Font.Color = -9600621
'Selection.Font.Color = -9600621
End With
As you can see I've tried a few things for the Font Color but am not coming right. As far as I can tell, VBA uses the current set Font Color. How can I change this???
Thanks all to all your help so far