I'm using Excel 2007 and want to use Conditional Formatting --> Icon Set on an Analysis Services Pivot Table I have created. This is to trend student GPA's:
Col A Col B Col C Col D
Stud A 2.944 3.056 3.000
Stud B 1.250 1.600 1.444
Col B is Term 1, Col C is Term 2, and Col D is Cumulative GPA. I'm trying to use the conditional formatting on Col D, I select the column, goto Conditional Formatting --> Icon Sets and choose 3 arrows. It creates the formatting. Next, I go back to Conditional Formatting --> Manage Rules, and Edit the Icon Set I just created. I'm choosing Format all cells based on their values; and this is where the trouble starts. At the bottom, I've tried to choose a Type of Number and/or Formula, and when I try to select Column C as what to compare Column D against, it fusses at me and says:
You cannot use a direct reference to a worksheet range in a Conditional Formatting formula. Change the reference to a single cell, or use the reference with a worksheet function, such as =SUM(A1:E5).
OK, fine, I change it to reference the cell containing the first "real" value in Column C and click Apply, but then each row wants to reference THAT cell and not the cell on it's specific row. I go back into the Edit, see that it is set to look like $C$7, remove the $$ so that it is C7 and try to save it, and get this message:
You cannot use relative references in Conditional Formatting criteria for color scales, data bars, and icon sets.
So obviously I'm missing something, can anybody tell me what?