Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Good Evening from Here . . .
Looks good, but I have one question. sometimes there are blanks in column 12 before getting to the end of the data. My question is "Will this work with blanks"? If so, then how does the macro know when to stop at the end of the data?
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
It would be nice if the blanks in column 12, between the 1st and last values were to be removed so that 12 has a continious list of values would be great.
Can't think of anything else right now. It's getting too late to think.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi rylo
Perhaps I am running it wrong ... but if I put
In column F
in column L
After running
Sub aaa()
Dim ce As Excel.Range
For Each ce In Range("L1:L" & Cells(Rows.Count, "L").End(xlUp).Row)
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("F:F"), ce) > 0 Then ce.Delete shift:=xlUp
Next ce
End Sub
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi JohnM3 . . .
It appears you are close.
Here is what is missing as far as I can tell:
Rows 1 thru 11 make up my dashboard. Data starts on row 12 and goes down. All testing for dups and blanks can not effect rows 1 thru 11. Have to test from row 12 and down.
All the non-dups in L should be appended to column F.
Code that is working.
All the Dups between L & F are being deleted.
All the blanks are being deleted in L
I think it best to re-code as it will be much easier.
Best to start at last row of data in L and go up until 1st cell with data.
Test the data cell in L - If row = 11 stop (completed)
Test 1 cell at a time for dup or blank. If blank, delete blank and move up 1 cell. If cell has dup in F, then delete cell in L. If cell has non-dup data, then cut data and paste to bottom of F's data. Cut means to also clear the dupe data in L.
Continue looping until test for row = 11, then stop (completed).
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi Launchnet,
You can test with this code.
PHP Code:
Sub Test()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long
For i = Cells(Rows.Count, 12).End(xlUp).Row To 12 Step -1
If Cells(i, 12).Value = "" Or Not ([F:F].Find(Cells(i, 12).Value, [F1], xlValues, xlWhole) Is Nothing) Then Cells(i, 12).Delete xlUp
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Sorry Gentlemen, but I had to be away for a couple of days. I see all you that have been active and I appreciate everyones work.
Rylo suggested a workbook which I have attached.
Please test and review your ideas.
I have tried all the code except the last code from JohnM3 and the code from huuthang_bd.
Since I had to be gone for a couple of days, I feel it best that I get this example workbook to you all prior to my doing any more testing, which I will do.
Hope the file uploaded. This upload proceedure is all new to me.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi H
The WB is attached (I hope).
Sheet1 is the test sheet and sd come up active when u launch the
WB. Your code is the 1st subroutine in the module. Again - thank you
very much for posting that code - its great stuff.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
I ran your test code and it removes the blanks in column L.
This can easily be done by selecting all the data in L and sort L "Ascending. This automatically places all the blanks at the bottom of the list.
I also ran your Sub Main () after removing dups. Nothing happens.
Then I ran Sub aaa_V2() and it appears that all the dups were deleted from L compared with F. The problem here is that some of the data in L is in rows 6 thru 11, which can not happen.
What happens if L has dups within L
Secondly, it does not combine L data into F data, which it should.
There should never be any blanks in F. But if there were, I can not see any problem if there were. If there would be, I would simply add a sort to column F.
When Sub Test() is finished, I could call Sub Main() at the end of Sub Test().
I know that you understand that this still does not answer my problem. Please see my sample sheet I just sent a few minutes ago.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi L
I don't know if you were writing to me - but my attachment to Huu has a sub called Main.
So if you were.
You wrote:
<< it removes the blanks in column L.
This can easily be done by selecting all the data in L and sort L "Ascending. This automatically places all the blanks at the bottom of the list. >>
Correct. But your _previously_ wrote
Looks good, but I have one question. sometimes there are blanks in column 12 before getting to the end of the data. My question is "Will this work with blanks"? If so, then how does the macro know when to stop at the end of the data?
I for got to mention that neither list is in alpha-numeric order.
It would be nice if the blanks in column 12, between the 1st and last values were to be removed so that 12 has a continious list of values would be great.
The above suggested to me that values were _not_ going to be sorted and _blanks_ had to be
dealt with.
[[ I took it a step further and said what-if there are blanks in BOTH columns F and L ]]
You wrote:
<< I also ran your Sub Main () after removing dups. Nothing happens>>
Correct. Its dead code. Just does not work.
My attachment to H was at his request in that the WB contains his routine and my followup that
blanks remained in column F. He wanted to see "how" I was testing because his tests yielded
a different result. IOW - I could have been testing incorrectly. So I sent him the WB.
My last submission to you was:
Sub aaa_V3()
It will - as far as I know from testing - kill blanks in BOTH columns F and L.
Below is my final submission:
- It kills blanks in columns F and L.
- Duplicates in column L.
- It hard codes their start positions (previous) post of Columns F and L.
-- I added this .....
- It moves remaining L under F.
- It kills L.
The code is below - but understand - my code is a "kill baby-seals with a club" approach. The code
(the approach - the intellect) by Rylo and Huuthang is much more elegant, much lighter footprint, and just
plain "smarter". I hung on this thread because I "admired" the code that Rylo had posted. And still
do. Ditto for Huuthang. His code is lights out great code.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Yes JohnM3 . . . I was writing to you. I see the problem now. You have been communicating to H from my post. This should never be done as it causes much confusion.
If H has questions or needs help from anyone on this post, he should create his own post.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi L
I see. My bad. Sorry.
If blanks in column L are not an issue - because L will be sorted so as to kill them off - then the
first solution rylo gave you will work. Additionally, the solution that Huuthang submitted will
work. Both versions of their code are much *stronger* than mine.
You will have to contact them and request that they add the final part which is
moving column L to F and killing off column L.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi Rylo . . .
I have run 4 tests so far and . . . IT WORKS GREAT.
What else can I say. Fantastic and Fast. I'd like to be your friend. Time and time again, you and Leith Ross have come thru on the tough ones and your code is clean and short. God Bless both of you and Merry Christmas.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi Jonh M3
I'm sorry. I have misunderstood you because my English is very bad.
You can try with this code if you want delete blank cells in column F.
PHP Code:
Sub Test() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim i As Long For i = Cells(Rows.Count, 6).End(xlUp).Row To 12 Step -1 If Cells(i, 6).Value = "" Then Cells(i, 6).Delete xlUp Next For i = Cells(Rows.Count, 12).End(xlUp).Row To 12 Step -1 If Cells(i, 12).Value = "" Or Not ([F:F].Find(Cells(i, 12).Value, [F1], xlValues, xlWhole) Is Nothing) Then Cells(i, 12).Delete xlUp Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi H . . .
This is Matt @ Launchnet. Just so you know, the post is mine. No problems there. Please note #30. The code works. I am going to continue testing just to be sure. In the mean while, I will also test your code. I would like to acknowlede that yours also works. Thanks for all the work you've done. Everyone will hear soon.
Re: How to Compare Column 12 to values in column 6 while deleting dups from column 12
Hi Launchnet
In post #32, I just discussed with JonhM3. I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable.
I have seen post #30 and i think may be this code work better
PHP Code:
Sub Test() Dim Dic, Arr, Result(), Rng As Range, i As Long, j As Long, Temp As String Set Dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set Rng = Range([F12], [F65536].End(xlUp).Offset(2)) Arr = Rng.Value For i = 1 To UBound(Arr, 1) If Arr(i, 1) <> "" Then If Not Dic.Exists(Arr(i, 1)) Then Dic.Add Arr(i, 1), "" End If Next Rng.ClearContents Set Rng = Range([L12], [L65536].End(xlUp).Offset(2)) Arr = Rng.Value For i = 1 To UBound(Arr, 1) If Arr(i, 1) <> "" Then If Not Dic.Exists(Arr(i, 1)) Then Dic.Add Arr(i, 1), "" End If Next Rng.ClearContents If Dic.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub Arr = Dic.keys For i = 0 To UBound(Arr) - 1 For j = i + 1 To UBound(Arr) If LCase(Arr(j)) < LCase(Arr(i)) Then Temp = Arr(j): Arr(j) = Arr(i): Arr(i) = Temp End If Next Next ReDim Result(1 To UBound(Arr) + 1, 1 To 1) For i = 0 To UBound(Arr) Result(i + 1, 1) = Arr(i) Next [F12].Resize(UBound(Result, 1)).Value = Result End Sub