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Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

  1. #1
    Forum Expert GeneralDisarray's Avatar
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    Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

    I have a worksheet (attached) User input sheet with 3 buttons that won't stop blinking, like they are re-painting over and over....

    If i move through the sheet with mouse clicks only, there is no problem. But if i use the arrows or scroll-wheel on the mouse, the buttons blink until i click on a cell again.

    Anyone ever seen this, and if so how did you fix it?
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    Last edited by GeneralDisarray; 12-12-2011 at 12:12 PM. Reason: solved
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Mordred's Avatar
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    Re: Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

    That does not happen when I viewed your file. Ahh the quirks of Excel!
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  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor john55's Avatar
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    Re: Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

    nothing happens..
    Regards, John55
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert tigeravatar's Avatar
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    Re: Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

    The workbook you attached does not have any macros in it. My guess is that something in the code is causing the blinking, but there's no code to view...
    Hope that helps,

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  5. #5
    Forum Expert GeneralDisarray's Avatar
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    Re: Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

    yeah, i took away the code ... was too hard to de-sensitive-information it for the forum. I actually thought the book would be worthless, was hoping it would just be something someone had seen before and would have an immediate solution....

    But i figured it out. I'm not sure why this happened, but at ONE time in the sheet's life there was a worksheet_change event macro in place (and some other macros which are now removed) -- i removed it (infact removed all event macros except for a workbook open event).

    My best guess - it was behaving like there was some kind of Macro hysterisis (was "remembering" the change event and trying to run it???) - and for some reason was looping. i think the blinking was a event macro firing over and over again...

    I had some other macro hysterisis trouble where things where happening that were not in the currentcode (one macro was entering a header from a summary table that was placed on a completely different sheet....in place of a client name WTF????)

    To solve this, i deleted and recreated a few worksheets -- no more problems whatsoever with the macros after doing that.

    boo ya

  6. #6
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    Re: Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

    I have had the same problem and so have copied my 'resolution' (but not the "excel cure") I posted in another forum to here in case it helps.



    My worksheet has "freeze top row" set and seemed to be the trigger - if I unfroze it the flashing/blinking problem went away. I also tested for the problem by using ActiveX control "button" along with a shape with a macro assigned to it - they both exhibit this same problem. [I do have a worksheet CHANGE event, but this makes no difference to the problem.]


    I moved the shapes / buttons to the fixed portion of the freeze pane - still a problem. e.g. if D3 is the freeze pane cell, then I made sure they were all well within A1 & B1. They still flickered merely by opening it then Ctrl-P and returning back to the tab(!). If they were anywhere in the frozen rows (col A or Col F or even further over ..) they still flickered.

    If I just turned off freeze pane, the problem disappeared. Turn it back on - it was back.


    What worked for me:

    I returned to my "freeze top row" setting and moved all my shapes & buttons down to row 2 (& clear of the top of the row 2 cells).

    Initially this failed. The buttons didn't work right - Excel started looping (maxed out CPU, never ended .. at least for 5 mins elapsed). I took a break overnight and tried again the next day. All of a sudden they worked, and they no longer flashed when Ctrl-P was used. Now I'll clean up the buttons / shapes I have created (I only need 2, currently have 4 - I experimented whether ActiveX buttons or shapes would make a difference, with the result "no difference" at least for this tab).

    For the last few days, haven't had the problem return so here's hoping, for me, this is the "bypass of some weird Excel [2007 & 2010] problem". Hopefully there will be a better explanation as to the root cause but in the meantime I have now avoided it.
    Maybe MS will find the real cause and fix it - for me it exists in Excel 2007 & 2010.
    Last edited by Ludwig-WN; 11-13-2012 at 06:48 PM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

    I was suffering the same thing, removed the Print Area for the sheet and it stopped.

  8. #8
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Can't stop the buttons from blinking!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjcottell View Post
    I was suffering the same thing, removed the Print Area for the sheet and it stopped.
    Thanks for the suggestion
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