Hello ashleys.nl,
Yes you can modify a macro in place with another macro. This macro reads the updated macro text from a file. The entire macro is deleted and then replaced with file contents. This assumes that the macro is always located in the same VBA Module or Worksheet within the active workbook.
Change the file path, file name, module name, and macro name to match what you are using. The macro can be run either automatically or manually. I think automatically would be best. It could be run when the workbook opens and insures that the macro is updated before it is used.
' Thread: http://www.excelforum.com/excel-programming/804773-vb-excel-macro-that-edits-itself-code.html
' Poster: ashleys.nl
' Summary: Replaces a macro in the workbook with updated code from a file.
' Author: Leith Ross
' Written: December 08, 2011
Sub UpdateMacro()
Dim CountOfLines As Long
Dim Filename As String
Dim Filepath As String
Dim FSO As Object
Dim MacroName As String
Dim ModuleName As String
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim UpdatedText As String
Dim VBcode As Object
Dim VBcomp As Object
Dim VBproj As Object
ModuleName = "Module2"
MacroName = "TestB"
Filepath = "C:\Test Folder"
Filename = "Updated Macro.txt"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TextFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(Filepath & "\" & Filename, 1, False, -2)
UpdatedText = TextFile.ReadAll
Set VBproj = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
Set VBcomp = VBproj.VBComponents(ModuleName)
Set VBcode = VBcomp.CodeModule
StartLine = VBcode.ProcStartLine(MacroName, 0)
CountOfLines = VBcode.ProcCountLines(MacroName, 0)
VBcode.DeleteLines StartLine, CountOfLines
VBcode.InsertLines StartLine, UpdatedText
End Sub