Hello, I am trying to adapt the following code to allow me to query one or more network databases. So far i have been testing the ADODB methods below on my local machine which is working 100%, but ultimately i would like to query a remote database sitting on the network at a known, static location.
I've tried altering the following statement to allow for remote connection without success (I pulled the entire routine shown at the bottom of this post from stackoverflow.com) -- this statement is where i declare the database name, username and password:
The ENVIRON("COMPUTERNAME") function returns my local machine name -- all computers i will be dealing with carry a SQL database with the same name (mydbname will be the same for all) and the sql "server" name for each machine is the computerName\mydbname.![]()
objmyconn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=" & Environ("computername") & "\myDBname;User ID=SQLUserName;Password=SQL_pswd;"
I can connect to each remote DB in SQL directly - i have already added the ODBC connections for each on my computer -- and i've tried replacing the computer name part in the code above (environ("computername")) with the other machines computer name (which is the sql server name on that machine also) and I've tried putting in the IP address: Datasource=\mydbname - doesn't work
Can anyone provide help on altering this code to allow for remote connections?
Private Sub GeneralSQLCaputureStatment() Dim stmt As String Dim outputSheet as worksheet Dim inputSheet as worksheet Set outputsheet =Thisworkbook.worksheets("output test") Set inputsheet=Thisworkbook.worksheets("input test") 'Build SQL Statement' 'First half here' stmt = "" 'Set the ADODB variables' Set objmyconn = New ADODB.Connection Set objmycmd = New ADODB.Command Set objmyrecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Open Connection to LOCAL machine DB' objmyconn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=" & Environ("computername") & "\myDBname;User ID=SQLUserName;Password=SQL_pswd;" objmyconn.Open 'Set and Excecute SQL Command - capture PROGRAM_TAB data Set objmycmd.ActiveConnection = objmyconn objmycmd.CommandText = "My SQL Query Here" objmycmd.CommandType = adCmdText objmycmd.Execute 'Open Recordset' Set objmyrecordset.ActiveConnection = objmyconn objmyrecordset.Open objmycmd 'Paste PROGRAM_TAB data to Excel' outputSheet.Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset (objmyrecordset) 'Close the Connection' objmyconn.Close End Sub