Hi there,
I've made a round-robin tournament of for schools and would like Excel to detect what round has passed when entering scores. The spreadsheet (see attached) is in a diagonal matrix with school teams across the top and also down. Where the same team intersects itself is a square with 2 blank, null cells. So, one range for Excel to detect is from C5:C6 and then (skipping D5:D6 in a diagonal matrix) E5:L6. Before the tourney, all cells in the matrix are null. After the data entry person enters winner/loser values (say in C7:C8) for 2 teams that compete, I'd like Excel to detect the non-null cells and insert "Round 1 complete" for that group of rows in a cell (M8 for example) in the totals columns. After a second round, when one of the teams plays another and a second set of values are entered (say in E3:E4), Excel will auto detect this and replace "Round 1 complete" with "Round 2 complete."

The blank 'intersection' cells are locked and are always null.

Just to note, I've done some vba to assist the data entry person. For instance, the user only has to enter one set of wins/losses; Excel will enter the second set like this:
ElseIf Target.Address = "$C$6" Then
Range("$D$3").Value = Target.Value
ElseIf Target.Address = "$D$3" Then
Range("$C$6").Value = Target.Value

However, I did this for every combo of cell groups, which was a pain. There was probably a better way to code this.

I'm just unsure as to how to code the Round detection above.
Thanks for any assistance!