I'm using Excel 2007. It seems that I'm trying to do something pretty hard without Application.FileSearch. I don't code very well in vba and I'm actually losing my time trying to grab part of code on the web but until now I have no success.
I need to find a file from a source folder and skip sub-folder that doesn't contain a text spefified in a cell. Then, copy the file in a different folder. Here is an example of what I need to do.
I have to find the most recent "index.xml" recursively in "z:\statistics". This source folder contains a lots of sub-folder so my research have to be recursive. The research have to be done in those folders that contain a specific text (ex.: xbox, wii, ps3). So I need to write an auto_start vba code that will find the most recent "index.xml" in folder that contain the specified text and then copy the index.xml in an other folder (ex.: c:\xsltprocDump).
Example of folder in z:\statistics
Thank you for your help!