I am currently using this code to find every cell in column b1 and to find the ones that contain a ";" something like "hello;goodbye". The code will split the cell at the ";" and place "goodbye" directly beneath "hello;" on an entirely new row..

What I need however is this... if a cell contains multiple ";" ("hello;goodbye;yo;hi;hey") it will split at EACH ";" not just the first and then move each to a new row directly beneath the other...

What changes do I need to make?

Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range
Dim saItem() As String

For Each r1 In ActiveSheet.Range("B1", Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp))
If InStr(1, r1.Value2, ";") > 0 Then
saItem = Split(r1.Value2, ";")
r1 = Trim$(saItem(0)) & ";"
r1.Offset(1).EntireRow.Insert (xlDown)
r1.Offset(1) = Trim$(saItem(1))
End If
Next r1