First post here, and my situation is this:
I am trying to create a formula in which I can pull a number from a cell in another worksheet (but in the same workbook) and put it in the middle of a text cell. I got the basics of it with this formula:
="We can invoice you either quarterly at $"&Quote!H3&""
The problem I am having is that the number I am trying to pull in from the Quote worksheet is a currency value that needs to have 2 decimal places. I thought the formula I listed would bring the number over exactly as it is displayed on the Quote sheet, but I find that if the value of the cents ends in 0 (i.e., $214.10) it is dropping the 0, so I end up with $214.1 displaying.
Any thoughts on a better way to do this, or a way to make that 2nd decimal place show?