Hello, Been reading up on my problem and cannot find an answer.
- I have name ranges on a sheet named "Data"
- As an example one of the ranges is named "Ship_Name"
- On another sheet named "User_Entry" I have an ActiveX combo box named "Ship_Name"Combi" pointing to the named range stated abover.
I would like the user to be able to type in a value to the combo box if the desired selection is not there, then when the combo box looses focus, i would like a prompt to ask the user if he'd like to add the entry to the list for future use.
Here is my current code:
Private Sub Ship_Name_Combi_LostFocus()
Dim Reply As Long
Dim New_Text As String
Const quote As String = """"
Dim Test_Var As Range
On Error Resume Next
New_Text = Ship_Name_Combi.Text
Test_Var = Sheets("Data").Range("Ship_Name").Cells("Ship_Name").Rows.Count + 1
If New_Text = "" Then Exit Sub
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Combi_Rng, New_Text) = 0 Then
Reply = MsgBox("Add " & quote & New_Text & quote & " to list for future use?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If Reply = vbYes Then
Sheets("Data").Range("Ship_Name").Cells("Ship_Name").Rows.Count 1 = New_Text
End If
End If
End Sub
In the code above, everything works except the addition of the entry to the named list.
In addition, on a related problem, once I get this working, I'd like to convert it to a function because I will have several ActiveX Combo Box's on the User_Input sheet.
So far the function code would look like this:
Private Sub Ship_Name_Combi_LostFocus()
Call Append_List(Ship_Name_Combi.Text, Sheets("Data").Range("Ship_Name"))
End Sub
Sub Append_List(Combi_Val As String, Combi_Rng As Range)
Dim Reply As Long
Const quote As String = """"
On Error Resume Next
If Combi_Val = "" Then Exit Sub
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Combi_Rng, Combi_Val) = 0 Then
Reply = MsgBox("Add " & quote & Combi_Val & quote & " to list for future use?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion)
If Reply = vbYes Then
Sheets("Data").Range("Combi_Rng").Cells("Combi_Rng").Rows.Count 1, 1 = Combi_Val
End If
End If
End Sub
Anyone that can help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!