Hi everyone,
im trying to search with a list of values in a range that when ever a value is found, i need to offset that cell found and from the offset, resize, add to a range then with the value that was searched, past to the worksheet that has the same value in a specific cell (this cell will be the same for all the values)
Lets say i have these Sheets
Lista Horarios (This in the Data File)
January (Enero in spanish)
February (Febrero in spanish)
In Data i have a range of 24 columns of data that every 4 rows the format is the same with different values, Colum AC to search in and Colum AF with the values to search with (January, February,...)
I need to jump through each search value, selecting each one found, offsetting to a point in the 24 columns of data and resizing the selection.
After selection is done, add the range to a declared range.
Then ill need to jump to the sheet of the value that was searched, for example January and past in January, cell B4 the Range that was acquired from the Data sheet.
When done, jump to the next value and search. and so on.
If it’s easier, i have color coded each month that will be searched.
Each month with a different color.
Ill attach a document so you can see what i intend to do.
You might find something in spanish in the excel sheets.
I'll appreciate all the help i can get.
Iv figured out this much but there is some code that im missing and doing wrong.
Any ideas to what im doing wrong???
Please help
Fore some reason i had to Zip the .xls document. Its not over 1MB