I have created a macro that loops through a list of clients and creates 2 seperate reports for each and saves two. One report is for aggregrate data and the other is an advanced filter which provides a listing of information from each row in the master data source with information related to that client.

Once these are created each report is saved as a pdf.

I have an issue with the saving of the report using the advanced filter. The advanced filter runs correctly and displays the right infomration, and even sorts the filter data alphabetically; but when the file is saved the length of the report is doubled. For example, if a clients report has 3 pages of row information the pdf file is 6 pages long - 3 pages of data and 3 blank pages (with header and footer).

I have rebuilt the macro, recreated the advanced filter and even recreated the report from scratch in a new tab but still the problem persists. any ideas what could be causing this.