Hi all, apologies for not being able to figure this out from other posts. I have a workbook of 31 worksheets. All worksheets contain the same number of columns and rows and are in the same positions on each sheet (i.e. column c in each ws is dollar sales, column d is unit sales, etc.) The only differences are the data values because each worksheet is for a different retailer.
Rather than going into each sheet, one at a time, and sorting the entire data table by the descending values in one of the columns (dollar sales, column L), is there a code that will start on the worksheet I am in (the first in the workbook, called US Food) and loop through all worksheet to sort each worksheet by column L, descending values?
I have tried a couple of scripts I found but when I run any of them I get error messages (the latest is runtime error 1004: This operation requires the merged cells to be identically sized.) I unmerged any merged data on all sheets, but am still getting this runtime error.
Thanks very much for any assistance you can provide!
Best regards,