Hey Everyone,
First off, thank you all so much for your help. I mere 5 weeks ago I didn't know what VB was. Now I'm creating user forms, and big Macros! You have all been so helpful.
Down to Business:
I've created what I'm calling an Acronym Database (its an excel workbook) . In this work book I have created a user form to enter new Acronyms. When prompted the form displays.
On the form I have a comboBox labelled "Context of Use". When I click the dropdown arrow a list of preloaded terms appear, if the term you want to use doesn't appear in the drop down, you may type it directly into the combo box.
What I'm interested in doing is; if I create a new term in this "Context of Use" combo box called "Y" then add my new acronym to the "Database". When I open the form again to add another Acronym, I want this new term, "Y", that I previously created in the context box to appear on the drop down menu.
Does anyone have any ideas of how I could do this?
I have thought about creating a hidden worksheet in which I could save these "Context of Use" categories. Then use this hidden worksheet to populate the form. Although I'm not sure if this is the best method, or how to even implement it.
Thanks in advance. I have attached the workbook for your review.