I have 3 columns:

colA: city
colB: street
colC: name

1 Amsterdam Rokin Jos
2 Amsterdam Beursplein Jos
3 Amsterdam Rokin Jos
4 Amsterdam Rokin Erik
5 Rotterdam Boompjes Erik

What I want is that a formula goes through every row and highlights every city where colA and colB are the same AND where colC is different. So in this example the formula should NOT highlight row 3, but only row 1 (the first with the name Jos) and row 4.

I have found a very neat formula from Techonthenet (http://www.techonthenet.com/excel/macros/test_dups2.php). But this one only looks at colA and colB. Any help is appreciated. I run Excel 2010, but if it works on Excel 2003, it will be better.