I believe you're wrong about it triggering a calculation. I know that I read it somewhere in the last few days, but I can't remember where. I'm going to look for it again.
I just tested it with this sub:
Sub TestScreenUpdating()
Dim dStart As Double _
, dMiddle As Double _
, dEnd As Double
dStart = Timer
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
dMiddle = Timer
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
dEnd = Timer
Debug.Print dStart, dMiddle, dEnd
Debug.Print dEnd - dMiddle, dMiddle - dStart, dEnd - dStart
End Sub
Here are the results
1891.43005371094 1891.43298339844 1891.49694824219
0.06396484375 0.0029296875 0.06689453125
As you can see turning ScreenUpdating back on with absolutely no changes to the workbook took more than 20 times as long as turning it off.